Saskatchewan’s Official
RV Show & Sale


Can’t make it? Come see us in Moose Jaw at the Exhibition Center Feb 13-17!


Saskatchewan’s Official RV Show & Sale


Can’t make it? Come see us in Moose Jaw at the Exhibition Center Feb 13-17!

Saskatchewan-Mining Our Potential

$8.5 billion in mineral sales in 2021 is leading the new ‘gold rush” for mining exploration in Saskatchewan. This time it’s not just gold they’re after, it’s the minerals required to fuel and feed the world.

Saskatchewan already produces significant quantities of three critical minerals– potash, uranium, and helium. It is the world’s largest producer of potash, a leading global producer of uranium, and Canada’s largest producer of helium.

The Canadian government recently identified 31 critical minerals needed for global economic security and sustaining a low carbon future and 23 of the 31 noted are available right here in Saskatchewan.

Deposits of lithium, cobalt, copper, nickel, zinc, and rare earth elements (REE) such as cerium, lanthanum, praseodymium, and neodymium have attracted most of the major global mining companies to the province.

Over $200 million is being invested annually in exploration which in turn fuels increased jobs and supply chain businesses that service the mining industry.

Million-dollar upgrades have been announced for these existing mines in southern Saskatchewan:

Expansion of the K & S Potash Mine at Bethune allowing them to double their production when the world is seeing record high prices for potash. The company will be hiring approximately 70 people with experience in engineering , IT, operations, and other supporting roles as they map out the growth plan. Increased employees in operations will also be needed once the new systems at the mine are in place.

Construction on a $220 million sulphate of potash (SOP) fertilizer production upgrade at Chaplin’s sodium sulphate plant. The sodium sulfate combined with locally produced potash will produce a high-value, premium SOP fertilizer for both domestic and international growers.700,000 labor hours are expected to be created during the construction phase with employment opportunities at the plant increasing by 50% when the upgrade is completed.

Mining our potential is one more facet of this province’s diverse and booming economy to celebrate.

At Minards we believe in Saskatchewan, it’s people and the quality of life available here.

If you feel the same way- Like and Share these posts with friends and family and help, make Saskatchewan’s good news go viral!