Summer… It’s All Yours Baby! It’s time to come out from under the covers and have a little fun in the sun!
Beginning Saturday June 4th, 2022… 10:00 am-4:00 pm we’re having an RV party right on our lot!
There will be music, food and games to keep the family entertained while you check out the latest or oldest RV’s in our inventory.
Why Buy Now? We can tell you Why!
Trades have the highest value in HISTORY! So if you’re trading – now is the time.
We also have:
- Manufacturer Cash Backs – starting at $750 & up to $4500!
- “One of a Kind” units at “One of a Kind” prices
- Pre-owned units ready to be snapped up in both our Weyburn and Watrous locations.
If there’s an RV in your future you owe it to yourself to come Shop the Lot and decide to “Own the Summer”…It’s All Yours Baby!